
Web embedded objects

DEPRECATED! Note: This method of hosting mAuhtor lessons is deprecated and should be no longer used. Please export lessons in a SCORM or xAPI format and import them to the LMS platform of your choice instead.

Content created in mAuthor can be instantly embedded in any website directly from mAuthor. In order to do that, it is enough to perform the following steps:

  • open a selected lesson/presentation,
  • click the "Share" button underneath,
  • copy the following HTML code and paste it into the designated page.

However, keep it in mind that to make it work, it is necessary to use the lesson which has been made public first. To make the lesson/presentation public and thus available to all mAuthor visitors, simply select the lock icon in the lesson details section. A public presentation can be also quickly converted back to a private one by simply choosing the lock icon again.