
Standard Shapes


Standard Shapes addon allows you to embed basic shapes into a presentation, including squares, rectangles, or circles.


The list starts with the common properties, learn more about them by visiting the Modules description section. The other available properties are described below.

Property name Description
Shape Which one of the predefined shapes should be displayed. The choice is between: Line, Square, Rectangle, Circle, and Ellipse
Line ending Applies only to Line. Shape of line arrowhead. The choice is between: None (default), Arrows (arrows on each side), Circles (oval ending on each side), None - Arrow (arrow on right side), None - Circle (oval on right side) and Circle - Arrow
Rotation angle Angle (counted in degrees) of shape rotation. Angle should be between 0 and 360 degrees
Stroke width Width of brush which draws shape
Stroke color Color of brush which draws shape. Specified in '#RRGGBB' notation
Stroke opacity Opacity of brush which draws shape. Be aware of anti-aliasing effect! Opacity value should between 0 (transparent) and 1 (default)
Fill color Color of shape filling. Specified in '#RRGGBB' notation
Corners rounding With this option selected displated shape will have rounded corners (applies to Line, Square and Rectangle)

Supported commands

Command name Params Description
show --- Shows the module
hide --- Hides the module

CSS classes

Class name Description
standardshapes-wrapper DIV surrounding the shape element. Shape itself is a svg tag, which in this case is a direct child of this element

Possible errors

Error message Description
Rotation angle must be between 0 and 360 degrees!,
Rotation angle is not a number!
Those error messages suggest that Rotation angle property wasn't set correctly
Stroke width must be a positive number,
Stroke width is not a number!
Those error messages suggest that Stroke width property wasn't set correctly
Stroke color must be in RGB format (hexadecimal) and start with # Those error messages suggest that Stroke color property was set in wrong notation
Stroke color must be in RGB format (hexadecimal) and start with # Those error messages suggests that Fill color property was set in wrong notation
Stroke opacity must be a positive number between 0 and 1,
Stroke opacity is not a number!
Those error messages suggest that Stroke opacity property wasn't set correctly

Demo presentation

Demo presentation contains examples of how to use Standard Shapes Addon.